Saturday, August 18, 2012

Grasshopper Incident

Last evening Catie and were I were enjoying a foray into the garden just before dark. We were delighted to see a rather large grasshopper and stopped to look at him for a moment. Catie assured me he was not there to eat my garden. With amusement I admonished him to find greener grazing grounds and encouraged him to simply fill himself with one meal before moving along. No greediness allowed. We chuckled and continued our discussion. I bent over to inspect couple of plants and before I knew it our resident, and rather large, grasshopper had decided to hitch a ride in my tank top. (GULP) It took a few and Catie still could not believe he was in my shirt but I did manage to send him on his way. That incident convinced me that I have had so much excitement from my family that I tend to under react. There was a time that such an event would have caused me to put a break dancer to shame.

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